Water Suppliers Are Trying To Mislead You

Amid fears of rising water costs, water suppliers are using sneaky tactics to get you to trust them.

Thames Water Crisis & Rising Costs of Water

All over the news now is that Thames Water is going out of business and that the cost of water is going up 40 % over the next year. Amid this fear, water suppliers are using misleading quotes to get you to switch to them.

See How Everflow Do It

How Water Suppliers Are Trying To Mislead You

Here’s our experience with the water supplier Everflow.

Below is a quote sent out to consumers from Everflow. It is based on a fixed term of 36 months.





On the surface of it, if you look at the right hand column of the quote you will see by looking at the total annual charge, the second option is about £130 less – £255.25 as opposed to £383.59.

However, it’s a complete load of nonsense, and I’ll explain why.

  1. If you look at the column titled, ‘Waste’, you will see that in the current option there is a charge of £52.58, while in the second option it says, ‘N/A’. In reality, the customer will continue to get charged for wastewater by the current provider at the same rate. The charge does not vanish, you just get two bills.
  2. If you actually do the calculation that is in the second offering, ‘WATER USED’, 53.35 m3  x unit price £1.5920 per m3 the total is £84.87 not the £25.42 that Everflow have put in the box.

What this actually means is that the prices are not cheaper, but you are now locked into a three year agreement that makes no pretence of fixing the price, but rather, only fixing the term that you have to be with them.

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If you would like to make an enquiry, get a quote, or make a purchase please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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