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Testimonials from our valued clients provide valuable insights into their experiences and satisfaction with our services...

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The ‘Gorilla Pay Pledge’

The ‘Gorilla Pay Pledge’ We are so confident in our products and offering that we have written the Gorilla Pay Pledge. Our pledge to you is: If, during your first 60 days’ transacting with...

Water Suppliers Are Trying To Mislead You

All over the news now is that Thames Water is going out of business and that the cost of water is going up 40 % over the next year. Amid this fear, water suppliers are using misleading quotes to get...

Merchant News

What Is Interchange? Interchange refers to a fee imposed by the banking system for managing a transaction. It is a commission charged based on the type of transaction, such as credit card, debit card...

We Save A New Customer £12,000+

We Save A New Customer £12,000+ This customer switched to Gorilla Pay, at no risk, and at a fraction of the cost of their current solution. Material Things Material Things is a bespoke furniture and...

New Energy Plan

UPDATE ON THE NEW ENERGY PLAN This is a quick follow up to the email that we sent out last week about Government support for business energy costs, with a brief explanation as to how we think the...
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